I moved around in the hard seat trying to get a bead onto the bracelet I was making.
I've been making a few bracelets to sell so I could save up.
I got the tiny bead into the string when the phone just had to ring and startle me.
"UGH!" I groaned, standing up.
"Hi! It's Miranda." Miranda answered.
"Whatcha doing?" She asked.
"Nothing." I looked at the discombobulated non-finished bracelet.
"Oh... Can I sleep over?"
"Okay, I'll be right there. " She hung up the phone.
I quickly stuffed all the loose clothing in my hangers and hung it up in my closet.
I swiped the bracelet guts off the table into my hand and securely put in the drawer of my desk.
Just in time when the bell of my front door rung.
"Hey!" She stepped inside.
"It's REALLY cold outside."
I nodded.
"Wanna see my new dance moves?" She shrieked.
"Sure." I shrugged.
"KK!" She dropped her bags and took a deep breath.
"And one, two, three,four, one, two,three, four,and five, and one" She counted her steps.
"And jump." She flipped in the air.
She smiled gratefully.
"It was awesome, I guess."
"Wanna learn some?" She asked, curious.
"I don't know.....I'm not much of a--" She pulled my arm.
"C'mon. Look this is one" She pulled her arms up and twirled around.
I followed her steps.
"See you did it!" She said after I hit the last move.
"From the top."
I groaned.
"And one,two, three, four, and one,two,three, four and five." We danced together.
She clapped.
"You're good." She complimented.
"Yeah, right." I said sarcastic.
"Oh! These are pretty!" She picked up one of the bracelets.
It was a purple one with white pearls.
"Keep it." I didn't studder.
"REALLY?! Thank you SO much!" She dance around.
"Oh! Ghost Whisperer is on!" She flopped down on the couch and turned on the T.V.
I sat down next to her.
Miranda yelled as the plane crashed down.
"Relax, It's just a show." I said.
"Yeah, very scary show!" She yelled.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm gonna check facebook." She stood up and headed to my room.
I wondered why people over-obessed with facebook.
I mean, I have facebook and all, but I don't check it every two minutes like some people.
Meanwhile I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cupcake.
"MIRANDA! DO YOU WANT A CUPCAKE!?" I yelled from the kitchen.
"Sure!" She skipped over to the kitchen.
After we enjoyed our cupcakes we headed to my room to do a little scrap booking.
"Look I have the pictures from our cameras from Ohio!" She shrieked.
I took a look at them.
The hotel room, the mall, the sandwhich shop, Rodger&I,Miranda&Daniel,etc.
"And here are you pictures." She handed me a yellow folder.
I slowly opened it, not letting a tear go to it.
I scanned the pictures.
Miranda&I, the victims of my prank, backstage of the show, Beth&I...
When my heart dropped.
A picture of Rodger,Beth,Sal and I stood there.
An idea filled my head.
I ran to my desk.
"Third drawer, all scrap booking materials use anything you want."
I pointed at the drawer.
I digged at the drawer looking for the perfect scrapbook paper.
Found it.
It was green,sparkly, with many junk food including burritos, chips, cupcakes and more.
I carefully cut a teal border so that the pictures could fit inside.
I cut five of those.
I carefully glued the pictures into the teal frames.
"I'm back!" Miranda said at the door way.
She changed into her jammies.
"I'm gonna change too." I stood up and headed towards the bathroom with my jammies in my hands.
I quickly changed into my jammies and headed back to my room.
Miranda was working on something.
"Watcha doin?" I peered at her work.
"I'm doing a scrapbook page on the sandwich shops." She explained, not looking up.
She pressed a few sandwich pop up stickers in the pretty paper.
I smiled.
I sat down and continued on my project.
I stuck a small picture of the super good cake we ate on our double-date.
I finished off posting a picture of us in the middle.
I scattered around my drawers for a green sparkly frame I had left over.
"AHA!" I said loudly when I found it.
I opened it and carefully and slowly and placed the picture inside of it.
We heard loud footsteps.
They got closer.
So did some yelling.
Very, fierce yelling.
Miranda and I looked at each other, and ran to the window and opened it.
We poked our heads out and look around.
A figure ran across.
A figure with very familiar hair.
"RODGER!" I shrieked.
I ran out to the door and took my coat from the hanger and ran down the stairs.
"BELLA!" Miranda yelled.
"I'll be right back!" I yelled, nervous as heck.
I heard that she ran after me.
I half-tripped a few times but found myself safely on the first floor.
I ran outside to the freezing cold and bumped into Rodger.
"ROD? What is going on!?" I yelled at him.
He ignored me and started to run.
I grabbed his arm.
"RODGER!" I yelled, terrified.
I was scared.
Really scared.
I had no Idea what was going on.
My heart pounded. Something was really wrong.
"This dude beat up my brother and teasing me about going out with you! I'm gonna beat the (Choice word) out of them!" He yelled running away.
"RODGER! Don't! RODGER! PLEASE DON'T!" Tear ran out my eyes.
Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it.
I thought to my self.
He ignored me and ran. A car was coming rapidly his way.
"NOOOOO!" I ran after him.
I looked around, confused of what was going on.
Rodger ran to my right, and suddenly fell, softly, into the ground.
In the middle of the street there was yelling. Soft yelling.
Soft, scared voices whispered my name.
There was very bad pain for a second...
But then it was gone.
A big ocean of black flowed towards the ground, it came my way.
I fell back into the floor, that for once in my life, seemed softer than my bed...
And the black ocean covered my entire body. .
Until is was all black.
Pitch Black. I was dead.
Being dead... was weird.
I had nothing to worry about.
Then there was beeping.
Lots of beeping.
I slowly opened my eyes.
It was very bright.
I covered my eyes.
"Hello, darling." A male voice said.
"God?" I asked without thinking.
"I'm Doctor Smith." He answered.
Turns out, I wasn't dead...
I opened my eyes.
He was not old and droopy... He was tall and handsome.
I rubbed my eyes.
"Where's Rodger?" I sat up.
"Who?" The doctor said.
"Tall, brown hair, not so long, not so short, navy shirt." I explained, still trying to see clearly.
"Oh, him. Pretty handsome guy. You guys dating?" He questioned.
"Yes. Where is he!?" I asked again, worried.
"He's on the bed next to you. He broke his wrist and leg." He said, pulling the curtains apart.
I looked on to my side.
There he was, asleep, with a broken leg and wrist.
"You're fine. You can leave as soon as you feel like it." He closed the curtain.
"When will he come out?" I asked the doctor.
"Tomorrow. Unless he doesn't do any better, he'll come out later." He explained.
Miranda burst in the door.
"BELLA!" She yelled hugging me.
The doctor Shhhh-ed and smiled.
"I texted Gabrie--"
"YOU WHAT? She's going to be so worried!!!" I yelled.
"Quiet down, please." The doctor said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, I just panicked.... I'm really sorry!"
"Sorry I yelled... It's okay."
"I'll wait for you in the waiting area."
I stood up and walked over to Rodger's bed.
"The car was going to hit you." The doctor said.
"Way to brighten my day, Doc."
"He saved your life. You are very lucky. You just had a minor concussion. He is very brave." He explained.
Rodger stood the same.
As if he was dead.
"Rod?" I whispered to him.
He stood still.
"Let him sleep. Come back tomorrow." The doctor said.
"Good-bye, Rod." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Take good care of him, Doc." I pat his back.
"I will. Oh, and you might have some headaches. I suggested to the young lady outside to stay with you for the night. You may not even go to school tomorrow." He explained.
I nodded and left the room.
"How is he?" Miranda stood up.
"Not good.Broken leg AND wrist.Because of me."
"Do not ever, ever think like that again, Bella! It was not your fault. He chose to save you life. It was his choice, it was his risk, and he has consequences." Miranda said.
Almost like it was Gabrielle that possessed over he body.
But no matter what anyone said, It WAS my fault.
I make his life miserable.