My mouth widened in shock as the officers took him to the paramedics.
I stood frozen, still trying to unravel the thoughts in my brain.
"I thought you were dead,"
"I thought you were dead,"
"I thought you were dead,"
"I thought you were dead,"
"I thought you were dead,"
The five words repeated in my brain. My hands pulled into my hair, as I tried to sort out things from my brain.
I snuggled under the thin sheets of my new bed, trying to ignore the fact that Rodger was daring enough to go inside a burning building to save me.
"Bella," Gwenyth, my new roommate called my name.
I poked my head out from the bed sheets.
"Would you like to go shopping tomorrow?" She asked.
I placed my head on the pillow again.
"Behalf of my mother and I, of course. She would like to supply us with new decorations for the dorm," She explained.
I looked around the dorm room.
It was very dull. Not a splash of paint on the walls, we weren't allowed to paint the walls anyways. I figured it would use some wall decorations, a few floor lams, a colorful rug, a bit of spunk.
"I can't take that offer," I denied.
"Come on,Bell, please?" She begged.
"No, Gwen, I just can't do that to yo--"
"It's all on my mother, please, I couldn't pick out decorations for our dorm without your opinion,"
"Fine," I smiled.
"Yay!" She poked her nose back into her book.
I smiled and looked at my phone, which reminded me, we might need a watch on the wall as well.
I ignored the whole decorating thing and changed quickly.
"May I ask, but where are you heading?" Gwenyth asked.
I grabbed my bag and opened my mouth to answer, but Gwenyth stopped me from so.
"I'm not stalking, I don't wonder where you are going, I'm just letting you know that we have two hours until curfew," She smiled.
"Oh, well I have enough time to go to the vet and the hospital, well if you wanted to know that," I chuckled.
I positioned the brand new hair bow that Gwenyth got me as a "Welcome" present into my hair.
"I feel terrible in a way, and angry. I haven't visited Rodger since the fire, I haven't spoken to him. I'm extremely angry at him,though, for going into that fire and risking his life." I said, and headed out the door.
I stopped by the Animal Hospital to check on Coconut.
"You know you have to take em' home soon, right?" The veterinarian said.
"Yes, I noticed." I said quietly, carrying Coconut out of the cage.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you try to sneak him into the dorm. I snuck in my cat Snuffles into my dorm for all those years of college," She winked and headed off.
I actually haven't thought of that. I'll have to convince Gwenyth about it, I not sure if she likes dogs or not.
Then I headed into the hospital, which for my luck, was just a few blocks away from the Animal Hospital.
"I'm here to see Rodger Lucas," I told the lady at the front desk.
"Your name plea--" She stopped talking when she looked up at me.
"Bella Flynne," I said.
She typed something into the computer.
Her eyes were a shade between a dark brown and grey.
"So you're the girl my boy went after," She looked up.
Rodger's mother.
I started to cry.
"I'm sorry," I said, and ran off.
"Wait!" She said, running after me.
I stopped and put my hands over my face,crying.
"It's all my fault," I cried harder.
"No it isn't ,sweetie," She said, putting her arm around me.
I cleaned my tears with my sleeves and looked up at her.
"I'm very proud of him, he did a very good thing," She smiled at me.
I smiled slightly back at her.
"Come on, let's get you to his room," She smiled and led me to his room.
"Sweetie, someone wants to see you," I stood outside.
"Great," He said.
Mrs.Lucas walked over to me.
"Go ahead in," She smiled.
"I can't," I said, realizing that I haven't seen him in twelve days.
"Yes you can, trust me," She smiled and left.
I peeked from the door.
There he was. Sitting up, trying to get a glimpse of the person that was supposed to come in two minutes ago. His hospital gown was a light shade of mint green.
I refused to enter the room. Instead I just leaned against the wall. I cried a few tears.
What if I step inside that room, and he hates me.
First, he goes inside a burning building to look for me. Then I don't visit him for over a week.
He has every right to hate me.
I knocked on the door slightly and opened it.
I got a good look at him.
I started to cry. I wanted to just run.
"Bella?" He asked.
I cried louder.
He said something I didn't get through.
I ran over to him and kissed him.
He hugged me back.
"I haven't seen you in a while," He said.
I didn't feel like letting go.
"All my fault," I said quietly.
"No, it wasn't, " Rodger corrected me.
"Then who's is it?!" I started to cry again.
"Mines," He answered.
I looked up at him.
"I'm a sucker for you," He smiled.
I looked down for a few minutes.
"Why'd you do it?" I asked again.
"I just ans--"
"Was it because you wanted to show me that you cared?"
"I answered that question that day,"
"What were you thinking?"
"My only thoughts were on you,"
He looked at me.
"Are you angry at me?" He asked.
"Yes," I answered.
"Because you risked you life for something that isn't worth it,"
I stood up and left.