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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Letter

My hands tapped the bed to the beat of the song that played in my ears.
This certain day has been uninteresting,dull,tiring.

Dawn and her family were off to a dentist visit, and I decided I would not accompany them.
I've been staying with Dawn and her family for the entire summer.

I surfed the channels on TV, nothing.
The internet wasn't a solution to my boredom, either.
I checked my cellphone if I had received any text messages or had any missed calls;nothing.
I scrolled down through my old conversations; laughing.
Until I reached Rodger's.
I had ignored six of his texts. I know he realized that he realized that I never trusted him, even thought it was not true.
I tried explaining to him over a text that I broke up with him because I had a lot to think about.
He ignored me, as well.
He deleted me as a friend on facebook.
For the last few weeks of school he wouldn't even look at me.

But when there's nothing to do; you start thinking.
And so is what I did.
I thought about what Rodger meant to me before I ~dated~ him.

Rodger and I were very close.
We were best friends.
We laughed with each other.
When we started dating, our perspectives of each other....let's say changed. Possibly to a next level.

But I thought to myself; I miss when Rodger was my best friend. When he wasn't {Well, attempted to be} romantic.

I wanted to see him again; but see him as the Rodger that was my best friend.

I stood up and and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and started to write:

Dear Rodger,
I know that in the past two months we didn't exactly end up in the right note, but I've been thinking. Maybe we weren't ready to start dating. Maybe it happened too quick. Maybe we took it too far too soon. Perhaps we too our relationship too seriously. But nothing of that matters anymore. Remember when we were friends? Just friends? When we laughed with each other more often? When tried to beat each other at things? When you broke my falls?When you saved my nose from suffering by catching the ball? I want to go back, start off fresh; they way they started last year. I want to be friends.


Writer's note: Bella's name was changed from Anabella to Clarabella. {her nickname will remain Bella}
Writer's note II: Felicity "Liz"'s name has been changed to Beatrice.
Please excuse all the name changing D:

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