"Good bye, Bella." Aria slightly hugged me.
" Bye Ari. I'll miss you! Email me once in a while!" I said, letting go of her.
I turned to Dawn.
I was afraid she was going to burst in to tears, being her sensitive self.
" BYE BELLA!" She yelled.
She jumped on me.
I giggled.
sure be missing, Dawnster Monster," I smiled.
I turned to Gabrielle.
I hugged her tightly.
" Bye,
best friend." I smiled.
" See you later." She said, letting go.
She smiled.
They all walked up ( Dawn, actually dancing/walking/skipping) the street, occasionally looking back and waving.
Ashleigh. She was in tears. In a waterfall of tears.
" I'll miss you SO much Bella!" She cried on my shoulder.
" I'll miss you too." I said.
She stood hugging each other.
She kept crying.
Sob after sob.
Worst than the time her fish died when she was 7.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
D o n ' t c r y .
I told myself.
But I did.
Little salty cold tears ran down my cheeks.
" Time to go." She said, with a little fake laugh.
I hugged dad good-bye.
I petted Jimmy ( The family husky) good bye.
I got into the car and drove away.
It was only lunch, since at Monroe we could go home for lunch.
That means, If I get back home in time, I'd be able to go back to school right away.
No regretting.
No tears.
But some joy.
"We're here!" Ma looked back, mouthing the words, since my ears were listening to music from my ipod.
I smiled and jumped out of the car.
"And, you have 40 minutes till lunch!" She smiled.
I grabbed everything from the back and hurried into the building, coconut following behind.
As soon as we were in the front of my apartment door, joy filled my body.
Not joy.
But happiness.
Almost felt like my life was filled.
I mean, I'm back home. With Liz.
All my friends. My... 'partner'. Gabrielle is moving back in a matter of weeks.
I pressed the bell nonstop.
"BELLA!" Liz yelled, yanking the door open.
" LIZ!" I yelled, hugging her.
Her hair in perfect curls, red curls.
Her eyes bright green as usual.
Her face pampered with make-up.
As usual." I missed you! " She said, letting go.
"I missed you too, Liz," I smiled.
I shoved past the suit cases and tore into the apartment.
In the living room a banner said:
I smiled and ran to my room, dug into my drawers and pulled out my Anastasia Arts uniform.
I slipped inside it.
I rearranged my hair in the bun it was originally in, and ran back into the kitchen.
" LET'S GO TO SCHOOL!" I yelled, first time in my whole life, being exited for school.
"Wait, your not going to eat or anything?" Liz smiled.
"NOPE!" I grabbed my bag.
"You have to empty out your back and rearrange it, Bella," Ma said.
"I already did, last night. " I smiled.
We ran down the stairs, 6 flights, instead of taking the elevator.
" Ok, I guess we can leave now." Liz smiled.
" I love you, Bella!" Ma hugged me.
" Love you too, Ma!" I let go of her.
" Call me when you can!" She said, as we walked down the sidewalk.
I ran to school.
I. w a s . s o. e x c i t e d.
I walked into the main building.
" Welcome back to Anastasia, Bella." Said a tall man.
" Hi. Um..." I said, shaking his hand.
" Mr.Martinez was offered a new job at another school. I'm Headmaster Adams. Please, just Headmaster." He smiled.
" Hi, I'm Bella Flynne." I smiled.
"Off to lunch now, Bella. " He smile.
I ran to lunch.
I tore open the doors, and the first thing I noticed: The glee table.
I walked towards it.
They didn't notice me.
I quietly tip toed to Rodger, who was talking.
I pulled my hands over his eyes.
"Who's this?" He asked.
"Guess." Daniel said.
He put his hands over mines, examining them a little.
"Uh...." He said.
" Kathy?" He asked.
I arched my eyebrows.
Who is this girl?
'WAIT. no," He said, thinking hard.
"Wait a second... Is this... Bella?" He smiled.
I pulled my hands off of him.
" I thought you were coming in the afternoon!" He slighty kissed me.
" Well, I didn't want to wait till Monday to see all of you!" I greeted everyone else.
But I stopped.
A. New. Girl.
" Hi, you must be new. I'm Bella Flynne, " I smiled.
" I'm Kathyleen Coleman," She said.
I sat next to Rodger.
I was so happy.
I couldn't wait for lunch.
" Bella! BELLLLLA! YO BELLA!" Said the football team in collision.
I slightly waved.
A hand pulled me over.
I was being dragged.
I looked over and it was Miranda.
"What?" I asked as she pulled me into the bathroom.
"Don't act like you all that," She said.
I was confused.
"The spotlight in glee club isn't on you anymore," She continued.
"Kathy is the best singer now, I'm sorry I'm telling you this, but even Ms.Terry said it, she barely remembers you, and Kathy makes your singing sound like dying chimpanzees," She says.
What? A singer? better... than..
" WOW, Miranda, you're real supportive!" I said.
"Sorry. But you'll never be the same." She left.
And I stood in the bathroom.
~Glee Club~
"Welcome, my talented students!" Ms.Terry announced.
I stood up straight.
"So, yesterday we were talking about--"
She didn't see me.
" Hi, Ms.Terry," I said, waving a little.
" Sit down, please," She said.
" Sorry I'm late!" Kathy burst in through the doors.
Oh god.
" LOOK AT OUR BEST SINGER, SHE'S RIGHT HERE! Don't worry your not late!" Ms.Terry smiled.
I looked over at Miranda.
She gave the I-told-you-so smirk/stare.
"Okay, Time for a sing-off! Of course my baby Kathy can come up!" Ms.Terry clapped twice.
" I want to challange Bella, the new girl." She said.
I. Am. Not. New.
I stood up and walked to the stage.
" The song is Again, By flyleaf. The girl can go first," Ms.Terry said.
I'm pretty sure 'the girl' is me.
I sang in my most powerful voice.
"Here you are down in you knees again! Trying to find air, to breathe again! The only surrender will help you now, I love you please see and believe again!" I sang, in my best voice.
Not to sound concieded, but I was stunning.
"Now, Kathy you sing!" Said Ms.Terry.
She sang. She amazing.
She was.
" Bravo! As always the winner is Kathyleen Coleman!" Ms.Terry clapped.
"Wait a second." Ms.Terry squinted her eyes at me.
" Bella, I'll need the 'best singer' trophy back. We need to re-consider that prize." Ms.Terry smiled.
Inside of me.
"What?!" I yelled.
"You are NOT the best singer!" Ms.Terry yelled back.
Oh no, I could see in Rodger's eyes.
"Dude, your girlfriend if having a major tantrum again." Danny said to Rodger.
"Yes, I have forgotten you! You are forgotten from Glee club! Kathy takes you place as lead, and that's it!" Ms.Terry yelled.
I felt weird.
Weird inside.
Some feeling, a feeling I've never had before.
" I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU, MS.TERRY!" I slipped the band ring off my finger, and threw right SMACK in the middle of Ms.Terry's eyes.
I took my back and ran off.
"Bella,Wait up!" Rodger ran behind me.
Some how he grabbed my arm and twirled me close to him.
He secured his arms around me, making it impossible for me to run off.
I kicked and yelled, moving around, but I couldn't get out from his lock.
he pounded against the wall, but he held on to me.
He turned me to him.
"Bella, listen." He said.
"NO! LET ME GO, RODGER!" I kicked and yelled.
He let me kick and scream.
I calmed down a little.
"Let. Me. Go. Rodger." I said, angry.
He still didn't say anything.
I laid my head against the wall.
He knew me too much.
" Bella. You're the most amazing singer I've ever met. You can't listen to Ms.Terry, she's just, weird all of the sudden." He said.
"I don't get it!" I cried.
I told him how I felt.
"Jealously? " He said.
"Jealous, that's what you are." He said.
"No, NO. I'm NEVER jealous!" I yelled, starting to kick and scream again.
" You should be, because you're amazing, just the way you are." He said.
" You, Pest! You are acting like an animal!" Ms.Terry said.
" How does it feel to suck?" Kathy giggled.
I ran to the them to give a piece of my fist.
Rodger grabbed me.
I kicked and screamed.
And I planned to until my fist touched Kathyleen Coleman's prett-- ugly face.
Minutes later Liz arrived.
"BELLA!" She yelled.
She pulled me, I continued to kick and scream.
"How'd you get her number?" I heard Rodger ask Daniel.
"Dude, she's hot."
Felicity got me home by dragging.
I am NOT letting Kathyleen get in my way.
Heck no.