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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Confort to Bethie.

( This was found in the Bella dictionary)

Sal Thomas ( Sah-al To-mas)- A charming, cute, boy who knew how to react to a girl's feelings. Also, a loving person that can be the "perfect" boy. He likes running through your hair,hugging and holding hands. But also a Jerk that cheated on a girl and was spotted making out with a girl the day it was over.

Jerk: (JERK) Sal Thomas.

Bethie Cole: (Be-th- Coal) A nice, pretty girl who loves tortillas. A girl who is nice,loving,understanding, and warm-hearted. A girl lovely polite girl who does not deserve a jerk.
Note from Bella: Also a girl who should slap Sal in the face if Bella doesn't do it.

Now Bethie do you really need Sal? I've gotta admit, you guys were SO cute together.
Let him explain what happened, you decide from there.

~BELLS is a FAVORITE and is in LOVE

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thank you, Bella :)

    I do admit, he offered me a great deal of comfort and got my mind off of depressing things like the factory and Sonali, but if he's going to go about it the wrong way, no, I do not need him.

    Thank you for your advice, Bells :D

